

impleo Innovative HR Management is a joint stock company under German law, based in Munich / Southern Germany in the county of Bavaria. It is registered in the companies register at the local court of Munich HRB 111 416. General Manager and owner is Dipl.-Psych. Robert Bühl.

Innovatives Personalmanagement GmbH
Connollystreet 28
80809 München

Tel.: +49 (0) 700 11 55 33 22
Fax: +49 (0) 700 11 55 33 23

The server for this website is in 10623 Berlin, Germany.

The VAT number of impleo Innovatives Personalmanagement GmbH, München, (under Article 22 (1) of the Sixth EEC Directive 77/388 dated 17th May 1977 concerning the harmonisation of statutory VAT requirements in European Community member states) is applied for.

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